Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hey Ocean!...I love you!

Arrived Safe and sound in Toronto... I flew in for Jon's/everyone's graduation, which after so many bumps in the road, went incredibly smooth and I got tons of good photos AND Jon got his degree...see:

Anyways... after a fun night out with all the image arts kids:

...Jon flew back to Vancouver and I've been crashing with the wonderful Sas, Zach and Dawn respectively! On Wednesday the 11th Dawn and I moseyed down to the Rivoli to see Hey Ocean! and their CD release show. A wonderful surprise to me included Jon Middleton opening, who I was introduced to (musically) at the Sitka store in Victoria on a walk with Jon.
I got some great photos, including some when Shad went on stage (and i FINALLY met him after so much talk of how wonderful he is)...check them out here:

Here are a few of my fav's from THAT night (I always have some!)

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