Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Drag In Parliament

I ferried myself over to Victoria on Sunday evening because on Monday morning I had quite an assignment with Xtra West.

I was asked to film (yes, video...) a group of drag queens and elected royalty of the gay community as they went for a visit with Spencer Herbert at the Parliament buildings!
It was quite a long day, they did tours and then went to be introduced in the gallery/to the house.

As we were on our way out to do some exit interviews, Justine Hunter, a political reporter from the Globe and Mail came over to ask the group some questions. Long story short, she sent my contact info to the photo desk who bought my photo and it was in today's G&M in BC!

Here's what it looks like:

I've been working all day on the video (I have even done voice-over, and it's not that awful) and will post it when they put it on youtube.

Now I think I will make dinner and then sleep.

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