Friday, August 7, 2009

Ain't No Party Like A...Gay Party.

When a set is only 6 songs long, and a DJ, then the main act play in the four hours that pass and still someone comes up to me at 2am singing "Topless...Gay Love...Tekno Party"/"That song is going to be stuck in my head for days!" know you have something good.

Thursday night I pulled myself out of my house (with a headache and the knowledge that I was going to be dancing) and went to my second home, The Media Club, to photograph Topless Gay Love Tekno Party.

I saw some photos from their show in Tofino and upon arrival, volunteered my abilities for the dance sequence at the end of the set.
I donned a Ketchup costume and danced beside Mustard and a Hot Dog on the stage.

These guys are way too much fun, which is probably why the Media Club is featuring them as the artist of the month. Here are some shots by me and two by Mr. Mark Cohene, who was kind enough to shoot while I danced it up.

Mark Cohene Photography:

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