Saturday, January 30, 2010

Spotted: My Photos On The Internet

So I have a few shots that have made their way into internet land, and I might as well highlight them here:

First up is one of my Kate shots that accompanied a Science Fiction website's "2009’s Sexiest Geeks". Gotta love that:

Some of the Peak Performance Project finale photos ended up on Melissa Lai's blog: (I can't find the exact link anymore, but here's a screen shot):

I found one of my 101 To Eat shots, of the homemade marshmallows, on the GuestLife website:

And lastly, I have a photo on The Racoons' Wikipedia Page! And while there is a liscening thing that says basically the world can use it however they want (not really true at all) the Metadata on the photo shows up! Which has my copyright on it:

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Blogger boders said...

Hey Christine...why haven't I been checking your blog regularly? That was dumb...Say I were to ever write a piece about some fabulous show/event/band what have you and needed a great pic, how would I go about getting permission properly to use an amazing pic of yours? I sometimes take pics for blog posts I put up and if it's noted who took photo I put that in a caption underneath and will have the image link to the story where image originally was...But say I was writing about, oh I don't know, Said the Whale or the like..You know where I'd be turning..
Anyways, awesome pics, will be falling over more later..

February 3, 2010 at 2:05 AM  

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