Thursday, December 20, 2007

Packing and Cleaning...

Going home on Friday so now I have to clean the apartment and pack for home. As I do so, I'm watching the Departed. It's seriously an addiction of mine. I think it's one of my favourite movies ever, and not just for the Dropkick Murphy's.

So just so anyone who actually reads this knows, I put my hemp up on 'Etsy'! I'm really excited about it, not that I'm going to be huge or anything, just it's kinda cool to have it up somewhere. Here's the link: Salty Dog on Etsy!

These are all the colours I have. So if anyone ever wanted something made.. there ya go.

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Under The Clouds...

Except, here in Ontario we DO get snow...




This City's A Mess...

"Near Crippling Snow Storm"
I went to bed with doubts that this storm was going to come... but I'm glad all the weather reporters don't look like idiots now.
It's VERY white outside right now.
I've seen very few cars go by and lots of salt trucks. And there is actually thunder and lightning this morning, which is really odd to see. It looks like the sky is a big soft box that flashes every now and then.

I am glad I don't have to go outside today, but as I'm stuck in the apartment alone, it will be a LOST marathon, hot chocolate and Said The Whale on repeat ( West Coast Christmas EP! )
Here's what it looks like at 11:30am:I'll update it later, as it's suppose to snow even more.

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

Christine and her Toronto Life

Here are some of the photos I have in this January's issue of Toronto Life, including on the cover!

The toilet is not only my photo, but my actual toilet. 10,000+ magazines now display it on the cover!These are the 'beards' on Queen St. that Courtney and I had to go out twice to find. It's pretty funny that it's an article about how guys have beards now because it's the 'indie look' but a lot of the guys said it was for the winter/to keep their face warm.
This is a $5.5 million-dollar condo that was pretty amazing. It had a Burtynsky on the wall! I wanted to move in.

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Whirlwind Weekend...

Toronto-Burlington-Home-Toronto-Home-Thorold-Niagara Falls-Home-Toronto...
Crazy weekend! It was in celebration of my mom's 50th birthday. Here are a few of the photos I took...just of the in-between parts really.

On the GO train to Burlington.

Leaf's open practice!
Jon at the rink in Thorold.
Alex's team only had 8 guys, which isn't even two full lines. Still fun to watch/cheer though.
Scholfield Ave covered in snow.
