Sunday, January 31, 2010

"I wrote this song in Port Colborne on the edge of Lake Erie"

My heart did a little leap when Tony Dekker uttered those words...and I may have involuntarily let out a loud WOOO!

With Jon-Rae Fletcher opening for them, Great Lake Swimmers played to a boisterous sold out Vogue Theater Friday night.


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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Spotted: My Photos On The Internet

So I have a few shots that have made their way into internet land, and I might as well highlight them here:

First up is one of my Kate shots that accompanied a Science Fiction website's "2009’s Sexiest Geeks". Gotta love that:

Some of the Peak Performance Project finale photos ended up on Melissa Lai's blog: (I can't find the exact link anymore, but here's a screen shot):

I found one of my 101 To Eat shots, of the homemade marshmallows, on the GuestLife website:

And lastly, I have a photo on The Racoons' Wikipedia Page! And while there is a liscening thing that says basically the world can use it however they want (not really true at all) the Metadata on the photo shows up! Which has my copyright on it:

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Meat Schmeat...

New friends Jess and Bridget are starting a little thing called The Vegan Project.

"We are passionate about our health, the environment, and the treatment of animals. We are learning about what it means to be vegan and documenting our experiences here."

The girls posted on their twitter the other day that they wanted some photos and offered goodies and love. Working for food? I'm in.

I had lunch with Jess at Nuba (Cafe...the one on Hastings lost power!) first which was delicious (I had the falafel):

We then went over to Bridget's house and the girls made vegan peanut butter crispy squares (I tried them later and they were tasty):

After that it was off to Commercial Drive for some shots of of their favourite restaurants/organic stores, as well as a stop into Addis Cafe, an Ethiopian restaurant, to try some of their food as a 3pm snack (it was really good...The Veggie Combo: omen, fasolia, yater alitcha, meser wot):

It was a great afternoon and full of yummy food (I still couldn't give up cheese...yet), and I will be with them again next week to shoot a bit more!

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The Zolas CD Release @ The Biltmore

My friends, The Zolas had their belated CD Release party at the Biltmore on the 27th, with Henry & The Nightcrawlers and We Are The City opening up. It was an excellent show and I'm very happy for their success.

The Zolas and We Are The City are now on tour across western Canada...for dates/cities, click here.

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I stopped by the Cocoa Nymph the other day to shoot Rachel's Valentine's Day chocolates: Brandied Cherries!

She's also made cinnamon, champagne, rose and cherry chocolates.

Go eat some chocolate, I'm full of it right now!

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Monday, January 25, 2010

I Wish I'd Written Them Too...

Okay, so Zach (from the Zolas) wrote the article on songs he wishes he had written...but I spent about 2 hours doing the HTML and finding the photos I wanted to post it again!

Go read it, then go buy a ticket to the show, and then go listen to their songs.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Social Bites!

I don't remember how I came across Social Bites. I know it was through Twitter, but whomever pointed me in its direction, THANKS!

The second I learned what it was about, I was in. I signed up to be a "Hobby Chef" and have 2 groups of 4 strangers each come to my house and eat what I cooked for them!

It went down this past Saturday and was a ton of fun.

I took a few shots after I made my food, and then some at the "Hot Spot" afterward, which was Call The Kettle Black (a cookware store). There, we did a Dao Tea tasting, ate some of my wonderful friend Rachel's chocolate from the Cocoa Nymph and the winner of top hobby chef was awarded.
I didn't win, but I got to take home some tea, a gift certificate to CTKBlack and a free pass to a future Social Bites event. (The next one is in March and I'm hoping to go!)

Here are some shots from the evening:

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And The Winner Is....


My favourite part of watching WATC win $150,000, was watching their girlfriends freak out...and then seeing the boys in shock on stage.

The three of them are so genuinely nice, and insanely talented, that you couldn't help but smile the entire time.

Oh yah...Bend Sinister picked up $50K, The Left got $75K and there was a giant concert that happened too:
(To see all of the photos, go here: )

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