Thursday, May 21, 2009

That was one Topless Gay Love Tekno Party...

...or part of it was.

Went to the Media Club...(blah lighting here I come!)... to shoot DRMHLLR (a band featuring former Hey Ocean! drummer Benny!) and was pleasantly surprised to find out that "Topless Gay Love Tekno Party" wasn't just a funny status name for Dave Vertesi, but a new band that he was playing in (Benny too!)

They pretty much rocked the house...(see photos)

Also playing that evening was: For British Eyes Only. Two lovely ladies, singing folky-comedy music with lyrics like: "I bet my money on the Winnipeg Jets, but you're the thing that I regret". Quite amusing.

DRMHLLR was great. It was only my 2nd time seeing them. The crowd was super into it.
I only took a few photos because the stage was SO dark with their projector on, but I enjoyed it nevertheless.

Here's a shot of the confetti launched by TGLTP and click here to see more photos from the evening:

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cocked and Loaded.

I'm not being vulgar... that's what Sean's column in Xtra West is called.

Back on April 26th I got to take photos of the Xtra West HERO Awards.
The night, despite running 2 hours behind, was great and several friends won awards. Ryan Clayton (whom I photographed for the Leaders of Tomorrow XTRA WEST Cover) won Youth Activist of The Year and the Laramie Project won Live Performance of The Year.

My wonderful new friend Sean Horlor was the "Trophy Boy" for the evening, showing almost all of it off in spicy red undies. I took a photo for his column (as stated above) and he also linked me from his blog/put a photo I took. You can't not love someone that calls you "talented and hot".

Sean has a new project called Don't Quit Your Gay Job that, from the photos and the event pages, looks like tons of fun. You can read his Xtra West Blog: "Up Your Alley" here.

Here are the tear sheets from Xtra West:

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Salt & Earth

So my time in Toronto came to an end...and I'm back in rainy Vancouver once again.

I'm very excited because a few opportunities and projects have come up from this trip. One quite random, while the other was conceived without my knowledge, sprung upon me and then kicked into high gear over brunch and beers at the Rex.
More on both at a later date, but rest assured, I am... to use a west coast term... stoked.

Here is a screen shot from Jon's website showing a stitch that I shot and put together of his work up in the gallery (no credit? shame.) after roughly 10 hours of installing it the night before:

I have dark circles and bags under my eyes from spending 75% of my time in Toronto working on the show. But I am EXTREMELY pleased at how it turned out and hopefully Jon will sell some work and get some buzz.
And just wait until you see the time lapse that I took of the's a Where's Waldo of the guests/the photography world, including cameos by Bruno Barbey and Stephen Bulger. In fact I got to speak (in French, thats right...thank you Mme. Buckner) to Bruno and he said that he really enjoyed the variation in size of the photos and particularly liked the one of the tractor.

Here are a few shots from the week/opening:
Printing at Pikto in the dark with Jon for 4 hours. Mill St. was needed post-production.

Day two of Framing. We're hiding our dark circles/bags.

Devin Jeffrey. Lightmaster.

After party at the wonderful Rasputin Vodka Bar (they made a green martini and called it Salt & Earth). This is Jon and Sas having the Vodka Taster.

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

If you are trying to CONTACT me...

I'm in Toronto!

Actually, I got a here a few days ago, and I'm trying to adjust my internal clock (got UP at 9am EST, so that may be accomplished) and not have panic attacks about the exhibition...

Currently my main focus while here is organizing the opening of Jon's show at the Ryerson Gallery. So far so good. And it's gained quite a bit of attention. The exhibition is featured in CONTACT, it is in MAG (Mass Art Guide) Magazine and just the other day it was pointed out to us that it is one of Toronto Life's picks for 50 Best Bets for the festival...nicely located as first on the list.

Today is printing day and some more planning for next week.

Oh! I'm on twitter. do you care?
Sometimes I'm know...when I do stuff.

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