Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sugar Sugar

Definitely one of the more interesting Said The Whale shows I've attended...mostly with the staff of the bar, but the guys were great, Maurice was great and Sylvie was also awesome. Some other guy played, but we wont discuss him.

The photos are up here: www.mcavoy.ca/sugar



Monday, November 24, 2008

Northern Salmon Keep It Real

...as Mr. Knight says.

During my Victoria trip, I went with Jon, his brother and his mom to Goldstream Park. The park has a stream that salmon spawn in, and then die. It was one of the weirdest sights I have ever seen. Hundreds and hundreds of salmon floating in the stream...lying on the shore...
Here, look for yourself (though you will not have the same effect as seeing it in person and smelling the smell!):

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

vanmag.com launch!

I was asked to photograph the launch party for Vancouver Magazine's newly redesigned Website! at Nu Restaurant. Their new website looks great, I enjoy how you view my 101 Things to Eat photos!
And actually, when it was published, there was one food item that I wished I had the chance to do the photo for as it looked delicious (check out #62 here: Nu's Beer-Injected Fried Oyster), and it just so happened I was offered one at the party!

Here's one I took on my way home while walking over the Granville St. Bridge.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hip to be...

I am so excited to announce that I did my first shoot for Ion magazine yesterday. I photographed a variety of stores/restaurants/pubs for their winter Hip Guide and had a great time doing so.
Some rejects:

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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Big Haus Brewing

According to the Big Haus Brewing Fan Page on Facebook, I'm officially Quality Control and the In-House Photographer for BHB.
They will be launching their premier home-brew titled "Single Pane Pale Ale" on November 15th.

I was lucky to be there for every step in brewing (and got to use my penmenship in creating the chalkboard brewing tracker as well) and photographed it for the guys. Here are some from bottling (QC really came into play here) and the labeling of the bottles.
Also, the future website of BHB is here: godhatesbeer.com


Friday, November 7, 2008

The last of the sunshine...

It's quite a rainy day today...this, the day of my birth (I'm 24!). It's supposed to rain for the next week straight. I don't really mind, it's better than putting 17 layers on to go out in the snow. Oh. Wait. That's right. It's 16 degrees in Toronto in November.

Anyways. Here is a shot that I took the other day at Jon's dad's place. Pretty downtown/False Creek...with a reflection of the windows in house: