Monday, June 30, 2008

Bizzy bizzy bizzy...

So many wedding little time for anything else!
Here though is a fun thing while I collect my thoughts and photographs.
One of the shots of Matt Barber is now up on his Myspace... makes me smile:

Check out his music and the shot in person here: "Matt Barber's Myspace"

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Thunder, Lightening, Rain, Hail and Said The Whale...

Driving in thunderstorms isn't as fun as Dawn and I though as we got on the road...

We arrived at the Casbah (where else in Hamilton would we go?) with plenty of time before the show...the band went out for dinner and came back like this:

Here are a few that I took at the show, I took advantage of the quiet and small to just sit and enjoy them playing...

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

NxNE 2008...

Much different than last year...specifically because I used to have an apartment in the city...NXNE was a one day affair for me consisting of a brief stop at Dundas Square for Hollerado (and a bit of Burning Boyz) and then a night at the Rivoli with Said The Whale (and Matt Barber).
With the number of bands I was able to narrow my fav's to a few but I will have all the photos I took up at: within the next few days.

Enjoy these for now...

Burning Boyz!!

They come from Holleralo...

Matthew Barber

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hey Ocean!...I love you!

Arrived Safe and sound in Toronto... I flew in for Jon's/everyone's graduation, which after so many bumps in the road, went incredibly smooth and I got tons of good photos AND Jon got his degree...see:

Anyways... after a fun night out with all the image arts kids:

...Jon flew back to Vancouver and I've been crashing with the wonderful Sas, Zach and Dawn respectively! On Wednesday the 11th Dawn and I moseyed down to the Rivoli to see Hey Ocean! and their CD release show. A wonderful surprise to me included Jon Middleton opening, who I was introduced to (musically) at the Sitka store in Victoria on a walk with Jon.
I got some great photos, including some when Shad went on stage (and i FINALLY met him after so much talk of how wonderful he is)...check them out here:

Here are a few of my fav's from THAT night (I always have some!)

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

Howe Sounds...Great!!!

My very fun friends in Said The Whale had their CD release show for their new album Howe Sounds/Taking Abalonia at the Biltmore in Vancouver. It was quite an amazing show with Maurice AND Lotus Child supporting.
The guys played probably their best show to date and the crowd was amazing and filled with so many friendly people.

Here are a few of my fav's and a link to ALL of the photos I took that night:

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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dude, Minnows

So Jon finally had a day off from working on the tugboats (check out his blog on his website for some awesome photos: Click for his website.) so we spent some time shopping, walking and visiting his family again. After I Love Hats, on Broadway, the Rip Curl Outlet Store, Blue Parrot and the Granville Island Brewery...we went to take the twins fishing on the docks!
Here are a couple photos from the afternoon:

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