Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rockstars, Box and Vespa Heads!

I got the PDF's of my work that is in the current (August) issue of Toronto Life as well as the one from June.
It was quite the surprise to see one of my photos in a feature article... I took it as a 'we-might-use-this-for-something-small' side thing...and I guess they expanded the idea!
Props to Joseph Tremblay, Zachary Pedersen, Britney Metcalf and the random guy on the street for helping me out with the Box Head shoots!
Here they are:

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

All Stars...

Some of my favourite people all in one place:


Monday, July 21, 2008

Things I love....

I am so happy that I got the chance to work with Ronit Novak as she introduced me to the wonderful invention of the portable shooting table...

Here's mine in action for my first shoot for Vancouver Magazine!

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Set Up...

Still nothing fancy, and it's in the kitchen, but that makes me closer to tea.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Crossing the Georgia Straight: Episode Four: "Seals Are Lazy"

Well, I didn't take many photos on the return trip as I was A: exhausted and sleeping and B: Hiding from the sun.

I grabbed a couple as we entered False Creek and saw the tugboats in action.

I also managed to injure myself during the very last few seconds of our trip and now have a delightfully purple yellow and black bruise on my thigh.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Crossing the Georgia Straight: Episode Three: "Did You Know Eagles Like Raw Chicken?"

Well, camping on Newcastle Island was NOT what I was expecting. Esp. not the wedding reception pumping music until late into the evening (though some of the music wasn't bad). In the morning Jon and I went for a walk around part of the island, saw some more deer, packed up our stuff and dinghyed back over to Naniamo.

Jon's dad was in the Dragon Boat festival in the boat called Eye Of The Dragon (about half the team have some form of vision loss), but apparently he hurt his back carrying gas cans to the boat and sat out the last race (they came 3rd in their division and 7th overall out of something lie 84 teams).

We walked around a nice strip/street in Naniamo and saw a very cool store called Flying Fish where I got a new ring. And we ended the day at Penny's Palapa with some EXCELLENT mexican food and drinks.

Sailing wake up call is at 7:30am tomorrow.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Crossing the Georgia Straight: Episode Two: "Antibiotics and Sun Don't Mix"

They warned me...but it still hurts.
Marty McFly (the cat that resides at Jon's house) in an effort to get around the dog that was at the house, decided to take out my hand, instead of anything else. He got a pretty good hole in me, and my hand was swollen after a few hours (though the numbness in my pinkie was the scariest). A few days and some panicked messages from my mother later, I went to the clinic.

...Not infected.
...Here's some antibiotics just in case.
...Are you going to be in the sun at all this weekend?

Oh man. I don't think I burnt really, but the sun's rays HURT like nothing else. And I found it difficult to sit in 30 degree weather covered up. But I successfully enjoyed Day Two of our trip...

Anyways, back TO the trip. FIVE AM wake up call, we got into Naniamo's harbour in about 2 hours, docked the boat, and packed up the dinghy. Jon and I took off on our own to Newcastle Island while his dad and Carlo paddled in the dragonboat festival.

Here's the day:

Friday, July 11, 2008

Crossing the Georgia Straight: Episode One: "Ten Hours On The Seas"

Four days we dedicated to Sailing to Naniamo and then back, with some camping and dragon-boating in between. Lets just say that it was a bit stressful when the predicted trip of 6 to 7 hours was not over after 10 and the sun was going down. I stayed calm (and NOT sea-sick, after some 'tapping' and meditation with Mariette's sister) for the most part and we enjoyed some delicious pasta and a beautiful sunset in a little bay with seals.

[[This post is dedicated to Zach, without whom I would have been freaking out about having an email about work! Thanks Zach, I miss you!]]

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Enough with the boats!

Jon is working on an idea for a project involving the squatter-boats that are in the creek. Being the brilliant man that he is, he wrote a note to the boat-owners, lashed it to a can of beer and dropped them on the boats very stealth-ily. I got to come along for the ride and assist/take some photos to document the start of the new project:

Later that afternoon/evening we and friends went down to the beach to catch the last few rays of sunshine and the boys got in a practice for Beach Soccer. Just look at where I live... aren't you jealous?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Boats and More Kiddies

Out and about AGAIN with the kids. Jon and his dad were working on the sailboat and I took the kids for a paddle in the dinghy... not brave enough to take my camera with 2 six-year-olds in the vessel... but here are two shots from the deck.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Belated, but just as fun...

Today was the party-bbq for Jon's brother Nic. We spent the afternoon with the kids before hand and then the whole family came together to celebrate.

I cannot resist taking photos of these kids whenever I'm around them. Here are a few from the day/party... (PS It's a toaster)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

This is why...

...everything is taking 10x longer than normal. (it looks better now, but I dont have a desk yet)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Canada aka Beer and StreetHockey

I'm finally getting back to updating. Here is a photo from our Canada Day celebration which involved a game of street hockey. I got to shout "Car!!" and "Game On!" at the boys...

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