Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Two of my loves dressin' up after an afternoon of pumpkin carvin.

Friday, October 17, 2008


I finally have the DVD with the images from Vancouver Magazine's October Issue.
To start off, here is the image of page 12! With a photo and a blurb in the contributors section of the magazine. You might recognize my photo as the one Jon shot on Lake Erie! I made sure they gave him credit.
More soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008

7am is really early.

As opposed to the last time Jon and I flew to Vancouver, we actually slept on our great friend Robyn's couch instead of on the floor at the airport...
Still getting up at 5:30am is not an easy task.

I took some shots as we took off with the sun just rising over Toronto, and then some more as my plane landed in Vancouver.

Later after unpacking I had a nice dinner/visit at Jon's dad's house, which included seeing Jon's aunt Ci who was visiting from London. Check out her books: I Used to Know That and My Grammar and I

It's good to be home!

Saturday, October 4, 2008


More photos from my time at home.
I got to visit my high school and talk to the yearbook class about ME (how self-indulgent) and school and my life now. Its funny how good it sounds when it comes out, yet how poor I still feel on a regular basis.
It went well and my little brother reported back that one girl even said I was "her role model".

I had one day of my whole trip where I did absolutely nothing. Jon was in town as well and it was nice to actually breathe for a day and not worry about traveling etc.

Sunday marked our return to Toronto for one night only, a trip to the Steamwhistle Factory (they have Tall Boys now!), a stop in at the World Press exhibit and the Rex for drinks and dinner with friends, before flying home at 7am.

Goodbye Ontario!

Class of 2003:

49 Scholfield: